Chocolate! Sweet, Satisfying & Rich With History

You might be surprised to know that chocolate has been around for roughly 4,000 years and has been used for everything from ancient rituals to medicine– in addition to being a delectable treat. It originates from the cocoa bean and grows inside a fruit “pod” on a tree in the tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Central &South America, and West Africa. The Aztecs used cocoa beans, known as Xocoatl, as currency and as food and drink for the upper class. The Latin name for cocoa—Theobroma—literally means, “food of the gods”. Here are some more fun facts about American’s favorite sweet treat!cupid

  • An estimated 48 million pounds of chocolate is sold during Valentine’s week.
  • Over 50% of adults in America prefer chocolate to other flavors.
  • One chocolate chip can give a person enough energy to walk 150 feet.
  • Hershey’s Kisses were first produced in 1907 and were shaped like a square. A new machine in 1921 gave them their current shape.
  • Chocolate melting in a person’s mouth can cause a more intense and longer-lasting “buzz” than kissing.
  • The average American consumes more than 10 pounds of chocolate every year.
  • About 40 percent of almonds produced in the world are made for chocolate products.
  • White chocolate technically isn’t chocolate as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.
  • The inventor of the chocolate chip cookie sold the idea to Nestle Toll House around 1938, not for money–but for a lifetime supply of chocolate!

(Sources: and

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day everyone!